Lines Composed a Few Stories Above Stambaugh Lobby

October 28, 2011 § Leave a comment

First of all, the title has nothing to do with anything except for the fact that I like William Wordsworth.

Second, here are some lines I pulled out of God-knows-where.

1. I think I’m the only one on this ship who remembers what Earth looked like before the incident.

2. Eve’s green eyes fluttered open, taking in the tropical sunlight, the chirping of birds, and Jehovah seated above her, carefully writing something in his little blue notebook.

3. For some reason, the carnidactyl alarm always went off when James was on sentinel duty, never failing to startle him out of his Playboy-induced haze, and tonight was no exception.

4. Ralph had no idea what the strange metal was, but it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.  How could such perfection exist on a dead planet?, he wondered, as he picked it up, turned it over in his hand, felt its chill against his skin.

5. Diane had always had a sneaking suspicion that her husband was a robot.


-Zach B

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